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Corporate Governance (G)


Basic Approach

Makita holds a philosophy of “striving to exist in harmony with society,” which is a uniform approach affecting our Management Policy / Quality Policy. As such we thoroughly ensure that Directors and employees comply with legal, regulatory, and ethical principles. Makita’s Code of Ethics and Guidelines to the Code of Ethics, which outline the conduct expected of Group Directors and employees, stipulate the importance of ethical conduct, avoiding conflicts of interest, complying with relevant laws and social standards, properly disclosing information, respecting human rights, restricting gifts and incentives, prohibiting bribes, and prohibiting unfair business transactions.
Our Board of Directors constantly monitors important compliance-related matters. It has established the "Code of Ethics" and the "Guideline to the Code of Ethics", and it revises them when necessary. Additionally, it receives quarterly reports on the occurrence of misconduct, etc.


All employees, including contract employees and part-time employees, are provided with information and education about the Code of Ethics and the Guidelines to the Code of Ethics once a year, without fail. This applies to overseas subsidiaries, and the entire Group is working to improve compliance.
In Japan, we conduct compliance training to educate employees on the importance of compliance and the content of the Code of Ethics at the time of important milestones, such as when they join Makita or assume the position of supervisor. In FYE2023, a total of 297 employees participated in compliance training.
In addition, in terms of raising awareness of the importance of compliance, we conduct an employee survey on ethical compliance in Japan once a year to confirm the status of the dissemination of the Code of Ethics, etc., and publish the results internally.

Internal Reporting System

In order to minimize, pre-empt, quickly discover and resolve conduct in violation of the Code of Ethics, Makita has established regulations regarding a Corporate Ethics Helpline (Internal Reporting), and we have established an internal hotline as well as an external contact for employees making reports. In our regulations regarding the Corporate Ethics Helpline (Internal Reporting), we have taken thorough measures to protect whistleblowers, including protection based on the legal system of each country, such as the Whistleblower Protection Act, so that they do not incur any disadvantage for reporting to the Corporate Ethics Helpline, and have also established corrective and remedial measures for the unlikely event that whistleblowers suffer unfavorable treatment, except where whistleblowers have knowingly provided false reports. Whistleblowers may also make anonymous reports. If necessary, the content of the reports is also shared within the Company, and steps are taken in order to remedy and prevent recurrence of the matter in question.

We have also established a point of contact on the Company website for receiving feedback and suggestions related to accounting, internal control, and audits.

Status of Internal Audits

As an independent organization in charge of the Group’s internal audits, the Internal Audit Division is staffed by more than 10 personnel and conducts the internal audits necessary to maintain the soundness of Makita’s management. Results of audits are reported to the Audit & Supervisory Committee and to management personnel. Furthermore, we have built a framework for making timely and appropriate revisions when inadequacies in the internal control system are discovered through internal audits.