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Social Initiatives (S)Approaches to Employees

Fostering Human Resources

Approach to Human Resources

What supports our growth is nothing other than the talents of the people working at Makita. Based on “If employees are constantly angry at each other, work won’t progress smoothly (don’t be angry). Managers should advise and talk to employees in a persuasive manner (don’t be arrogant). One must not panic in the face of difficult conditions, such as a declining economy or problems with work (don’t panic), or must not mope in such conditions (don’t mope). Panicking and engaging in excessive competition is like signing one’s own death sentence. That doesn’t mean, however, that one should be lax. If you fail, that will be the least productive course of action (don’t give up).” , these life teachings of Jujiro Goto, who helped build the foundation of Makita Corporation together with its founder, Mosaburo Makita, changing it to a “power tool corporation,” we are providing employees with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to the fullest.

後藤十次郎翁座右銘 一.おこるな 一.いばるな 一.あせるな 一.くさるな 一.まけるな

Human Resource Training Systems

Inside Japan, we carry out stratified training (tailored to match each employee's career stage) for new employees all the way through mid-career management candidates. Similarly, we maintain programs encompassing other forms of training, including on-site factory training, as well as correspondence training, part of which is paid for by the Company. Some promotion and advancement evaluations entail management-related training, such as interview exercises with subordinates, to measure and provide feedback on the individual's management skills, thereby helping to improve management and leadership skills.

Education system diagram

In addition, employees regularly set targets at the beginning of each fiscal year and meet with their supervisors to discuss these results. We are committed to supporting individual development, and supervisors provide feedback to employees as appropriate during interviews and give them opportunities to discuss the future. Base salaries are determined by the previous year’s evaluations and bonuses (twice yearly) fluctuate according to semiannual evaluations and Company performance in order to motivate employees.

Relationship between individuals' evaluations, basic salaries, and bonuses

Annual evaluations
Reflected in basic salary
Semi-annual evaluations
Reflected in bonuses

Human Resource Development at the China Plant

Makita is actively engaged in human resource development at our China plant, the core of our production base. We encourage continuous growth through proactive training at all levels, including leadership development and problem-solving training for managers. In addition, safety training and legal and regulatory training are provided to those above a certain rank, and Japanese language study sessions are held for those who plan to go to Japan for training or those who wish to receive Japanese language training.

Training for each level